
Thursday, 25 May 2017


Welcome to .I hop You will fine !

One of our viewer Mr. Durrat, has sent us a mail saying that he has problem of warts on his neck. Means he has lots of warts or verruca on his neck. He wants to get rid of those. I am going to tell you one or two simple remedy to get rid of warts or skin tags. What you have to do is take castor oil. Massage there daily with castor oil. If you massage daily then in 15 days you will observe that your warts & spots will slowly become invisible.

Other then this what you have to do is take 7 leaves of Indian basil, 7 leaves of Margosa tree and add one pinch turmeric powder. Grind all the three items. You have to make paste of Neem leave and Basil leave with turmerci powder. Lick this along with hot or warm water. After eating this paste drink warm water, so that you wont get bitter taste. This will work as blood purifier.

But by this method you warts will dry and fall and there wont be any marks either. Isn't it a very simple remedies. If you want to get rid of warts or moles then just try these home remedies. You dont have to got to doctor for that. These remedys are very effective and there are no side effect of these. Anyways we always wish that you stay healthy, stay happy, be busy and keep in touch.

And what you have to do to keep in touch with us? You just have to subscribe to our blogg for updates and tell your family and friends to subscribe this Get health benefit at home and stay away from doctors, And If you like our post then share it with your friends. It is Our mission that whole world should get health benefits from these home remedies, so make your contribution in this mission.

Spread this post as much as and as far as possible Thank you.


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