
Tuesday, 24 January 2017


We will know today fastest way to lose weight in best weight loss program 
Couple of days back we were doing a series how to loose weight in 90 days There i was telling , if you are middle aged or 40+ Then generally this problem comes which is knows is Gastroparesis or Delay Digestion. So, if problem has occurred then it becomes difficult to loose weight but need not to worry For this, you have to some extra efforts I am telling you the remedy, you have to use this remedy

And with this remedy, you will definitely be able to loose weight within 90 days What you have to do for this, Take 100 gm of Fennel & carom seeds Here you have to add 10 black peppers, 3-4 cloves & 1/2 of long pepper in it. And dry roast them on the low flame. Roast them lightly not very much or till the burning point. Roast them lightly & as soon it releases its fragrance, turn off the gas.

And let it get cool down. Once its cool down grind the mixture in the grinder Make a fine powder. Mix it with some jaggery and knead it Knead it almost in the quantity in 1 spoon. And you have to consume this twice a day. In breakfast and then in dinner. And take care of one thing, that you have to consume this ball for 15 days And then you have to give a gap for 6-7 days

Then again you have to consume tihis for 15 days Similarly, follow this process for 3 months in the same rotation instead of doing regularly Do this for 15 days & give gap for a week time then resume again. You will notice improvement in delay digestion problem as well as you will start losing weight. There is one more powder which you have to make and consume in the night For this take 100 gm of fenugreek seeds

Take 100 gm of carom seeds & 50 gm of black cumin seeds. Dry roast them on the low flame, as you did for the first powder preparation. Don't get it burn, roast them a little and let it cool down Once it is cool down, put it into grinder and grind it Once the powder is ready , store it into a glass vessel. And consume 1 spoon of this water with 1 cup of Luke warm water.

Remember this , that you have to consume this at the time of sleeping & don't eat anythinh after this. If you will do this remedy for 90 days then all the unwanted fat of your body will be disappear. Do one more thing along with this Take a glass of water & grate 1 spoon ginger in it and boil it nicely. Once the water is boil & extract of ginger get dissolve in water. Then strain this water add 1 pinch of black pepper & 1 spoon of honey in it.

In a day you can consume 2-3 cups of this water but make sure to consume if post your meal. It increases the metabolic rate of the body Along with this , one more thing which you can do is. If you have Drumstick tree near by your area Take some drumsticks leaves, wash them & grind them in the grinder. Then strain this with any cloth & get their juice out of it.

And consume 3 spoon of this juice, through out the day. Either you can take 3 spoons through out the day or can consume 3 spoons in one go. if you will consume this, then it will be a great help for you in loosing weight. Along with this is you are able to get the stem of IVY GOURD TREE. Then either you grind or chop it very finely and boil it with the water to have a thick syrup. If you will use this syrup then also you will have instant weight loose.

Along with this you can use Grape Fruit. In Hindi its called Chakotra. As it also helps a lot to regulate the body weight.So you must use this as well. Along with this let me tell you some small-small remedies. You can use these remedies as per the availability. so must use all the remedies. And those which you can't do, nothing to worry. Since there are so many remedies So you can use any of the remedy.

If you are able to get the leaves of Gudhahal, then boil 1 bunch of these leaves in the water. Boil them & strain them. If you will use this water with an empty stomach in the morning. then it helps a lot to reduce fat Take 1 tsp of cinnamon powder Boil it in 1 glass water, then strain it Add some honey in this & you can consume this water 3 times in a day.

Take some mint leaves and boil them in 1 glass of water After boiling let it cool down & add some salt & black pepper powder Consume half cup of water 2-3 times in a day . This also helps in reducing fat. If you got Guggal powder near about you, then take 1/2 tsp of Guggal Powder Can take this along Luke warm water in the morning, as this will also helps in reducing fat. If you are middle aged, then do one more remedy

Take 1 tsp of Triphala powder & soak it overnight in 1 glass of water Next day morning, boil this water unless its reduces to its half And once its reduces to its half then drink it , the way you drink hot tea sip by sip. And you will notice that within 90 days you will start loosing weight. So, isn't it all the remedies were easy?
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