
Monday, 16 January 2017

how to slution of yellow white nails Tips

In the previous article we were talking about yellowness of nails.
And I've told you that its important to take care of your eating habits.If you want to cure yellowness of nails then you must consume dairy products.
Take balance diet, in which consumption of dairy products are very much necessary. Take Milk, Curd, Butter Milk.
Along with this you must take high protein rich food just like grains. Take unpolished pulses also must use fresh fruits and vegetables of the season.
It means your diet contains dairy product, pulses, if you are not eating pulses then you can take
Kidney beans, Chick peas,Bengal Gram etc.
In whole grain take chapati of wheat flour Don't get wheat flour very smooth, it should be coarsely so that its fibre doesn't get wasted.
Take this type of diet, along with take Raw Salad, Take fresh green leafy vegetables also. So try to make your diet in this balanced way
Then you'll not suffer from yellow nails.
I would name Baking Soda as an easiest remedy which is easily available at every home. Take 1 tsp Baking Soda & 1-1/2 Olive Oil & 1 tsp Lemon Juice.

Make a thick paste & apply this on your nails, Leave it for 5 mins, take a soft brush and rub and clean your nails with it.After that wash them off with lukewarm water and apply moisturiser. 
Do this remedy for 10-15 days & yellowness of your nails will be cured. Let me tell you an another remedy
Remember that your nails and teeth are same. They both are bones. The way you clean your teeth similarly you can clean your yellow nails.
Take whitening toothpaste and apply them on your nails.
Leave it for 5 mins & gently brush your nails.
After that dip a cotton in lukewarm water to clean your nails.
If you'll follow this remedy, then even with the whitening toothpaste cures yellowness of your nails.
Using Mouthwash also helps to cure yellowness of nails.
Dip your fingers for 20 mins in direct mouthwash.
Sometimes it changes the colours of the side skin of your nails but it get recovered within few days.
There is an another method, take equal quantity of Vinegar & Mouth wash.
Dip your fingers in it for 10-15 mins
Later on was it off with lukewarm water and apply any moisturiser as well.
Within few days colours of your nails will be changed.
Stop smoking and stop taking such items which dehydrate your body just like Cold Drinks.
It also takes away the calcium from your body.
Due to calcium deficiency your nails become thin & get cracked  and broken very easily.
Hence what all remedies i have shared, follow them.
Even if using these remedies, the yellowness of your nails is not getting cured.
Then you must consult any Dr and get your liver checked.
Rest our wish is only that you stay healthy, busy, carefree and be with us.
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