
Wednesday, 18 January 2017

Dates Health Benefits in Your Life

Today we will talk about Dates. Dates are often used in Indian Asian Cuisines. In fact its used world wide. If I start talking about its benefits. They are countless, it may require to do a whole series In forthcoming days we will try to do a series on it but today I am sharing its main benefits with you. Let me tell you something very important that Dates, are the major source of energy.
It also contains lots of fibre & natural sugar. It also contains lots of essential minerals like Calcium, Iron Potassium, Sodium, Phosphorus, Zinc & Magnesium Along with these minerals. Its also has a sound amount of vitamins like thiamin, riboflavin, It also contains good amount of Folate, niacin, Vitamin A , K in it
Let us talk about its benefits now If you are suffering from constipation then Dates are highly beneficial for you As I said that its full of fibre, which promotes  your digestive health. It also regulates your bowel movements. How to use it? Take Dates , wash them After that soak at least 5-6 dates it in some water for overnight.
Once you get up in the morning, just chew these dates and have them And also drink that leftover water along with You will notice, within some days problem of constipation will be vanished. Now a days a common problem is Weak Bones.
So usage of dates is very important to make your bones strong. As it contains selenium manganese, Magnesium, Copper which is very important for the development of healthy bones. It is also necessary to make the bones strong. Take 4-5 dates, Have them with a glass of warm water.
You can have it in any form either in your salad or can have it as a sweetdish Or normally too you can use dates
So that your bones may get daily dose of minerals for becoming strong, Second most common problem which is seen in ladies is called Anaemia or Iron Deficiency, So, dates are blessings for you. As I said earlier it has lot of Iron in it,  So if you will consume 5-6 Iron daily then the requirement of Iron in your body will be fulfilled. It works as a perfect dietary supplement. Deficiency of Iron caused fatigue, weakness, tiredness.
So use 5-6 dates as I said earlier. It is a major source of energy  has lot of Iron in it
So, if you will use 5-6 dates, not only your Iron deficiency will but also problem of Anaemia will be vanished. Specifically women should use Dates, Along with all these benefits, Dates are very beneficial for the health of your heart, It has good amount of Potassium which prevents from heart disease. Bad cholesterol  means LDL is the major reason behind heart disease as per the studies
Its observe that usage of dates reduces your LDL & prevents from heart disease.
So, I would recommend you to consume the dates at least 3 times in a week. One of the important benefit of dates - It controls your ageing process, As it contains good amount Vitamin C which works like an anti-oxidant. And it protect your skin from free radicals skin damages ,It helps to vanish pre mature ageing. It maintains the elasticity of your skin & gives strength to it which helps to control ageing.
If you want to get rid of Pre-Mature Ageing, mash 2-3 dates & consume them daily, So what you have to do? Buy a Pack of Dates to your home  Either you have them in Breakfast or empty stomach but make sure you have them. Remember one thing, buy unprocessed & natural dates
Which shouldn't contains added flavour otherwise it wouldn't be much beneficial.You should buy natural, raw dates & start consuming them. And you will notice that your lot of problems are vanished. Rest our wish is only that you stay healthy, busy, carefree and be with us. To meet us you have to visiting our blogg. Tell to your friends  relatives Get the health benefits by sitting at home.
And do support us in our motive. Our motive is that maximum number of people
Should get the health benefits by sitting at home only
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